Letsinger Family Website
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This is an area of the page where we can add even more detail.

We might talk about family history, special stories and other fun facts that our site visitors would enjoy.

We might also include some information about our involvement in our community, our close friends or other important subjects that our family is committed to.

Backpacker taking a drink; Size=180 pixels wide
An Afternoon's Hike

A Bit About Mom!

We might describe Mom's job in a little more detail here. We'll write about what Mom does, what she likes best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)

Man walking on sand dunes
A Walk Along The Dunes

A Bit About Dad!

We might describe Dad's job in a little more detail here. We'll write about what Dad does, what he likes best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)

Our Family Favorites

Here's a list of some of our favorite movies:

  • Pirates of the Carribean
  • Babe
  • Cheaper By the Dozen
  • Toy Story

Here's a list of some of our favorite music:

  • Hillary Duff
  • Raffi
  • Nirvana